They have changed the layout to accommodate more lanes and signals at the roundabout.
The project page is here along with links to the plan, and the consultation report.
The consultation report does mention access to properties, but nowhere does it mention any consultation with groups or organisations representing the cycling community. This is surprising, not least because it is the route of the Sustrans NCN 725. I am presuming the give way markings are appeasements to locals.
Durham County Council replied to a tweet about the markings to Tim Beasley stating
@TimBeasley101 Hi Tim, we put the markings in place following local concerns to help keep cyclists safe. Thanks
— DurhamCountyCouncil (@DurhamCouncil) September 9, 2014
They have removed grass verges and squeezed footpath space to make the extra room for vehicles and in the process created some fairly tortuous and frankly extremely poor space and routes for both pedestrians and cyclists resulting in plenty of potential for conflict.
The southbound route has been largely completed with the exception of signal installation, and the full horror has been revealed.
A167 north of the junction is now a massive 5 lane beast of a road as you can see from the photo below
A closer look at the markings giving driveways priority over people cycling. Why? just why? |
This is a view of the above kerb from the path. Not very person friendly at all. |
Still some work to do northbound, but it still gives priority to private drives over cyclists. Also the cycleway has give way markings where it joins the road just before a bus stop (increasing risk of conflict). Previously there was a painted lane which has disappeared in favoure for 2 exit lanes, and now starts a few hundred metres further up. Could they not have linked up? |