
Saturday, 31 August 2013

Pointless hopefully unbiased Helmet usage survey

I've gotten a little sick and fed up of the current media fascination with cycle helmets and shouts for them to be made compulsory based largely on one boy colliding with a van.

The likes of Wiggins, Trott and Cavendish have also weighed in with their considered (not) views on the issue, and media outlets from ITV's This Morning to London's Evening Standard have had pointless  surveys.

So... I thought I'd chuck my own little free pointless helmet survey together. It doesn't ask for any personal data or emails & not even IP addresses, but just asks 5 simple questions to gauge the perspective of the person providing the answers

The survey is here: Please complete and I will post the results in a week or two when it has collected a decent number of responses.

It would be interesting to get the views of people who don't cycle as well so please pass it on.

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